Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day #18 Gravesend (London) to Wickford, Essex.

A frosty Thames ferry ride to Tilbury.
           Out bright and early at 6.40 am into a crackling, frosty and clear morning to catch the first ferry cross the Thames to Tilbury. Predictably, I took the wrong turn out of the maze of roads that are the Tilbury dock installations. That sorted out eventually, I was able to regain my route to the north carefully avoiding being sucked into pedestrian unfriendly, high speed major roads, opting for the slower, and more scenic secondary routes. Was surprised how quickly the industrial landscape dropped away as I walked further into Essex. Within just a few miles of the London conurbation, I was into fields and able to enjoy all the lambing activities in the fields. Gradually the day warmed with the bright sun out of a clear sky. Thats 5 in a row now, so I am just hoping that this absence of rain will continue all the way to June!!
           I have discovered a major error in Google maps. Yes, they seem to be quite accurate topographically, but all the instructions have been predicated on the basis of driving on the right side, rather than the UK left side. Thus, an exit at a roundabout at the 3 o'clock position is directed as the first exit rather than the third exit. Rather confusing at first, but 'do-able' now I understand the Google error.
           Forced to invest in a night rent in a very comfortable hotel, but the location did not offer any cheaper alternatives and after 33 kms. at a rather fast clip, the old legs just said "pay up". Hopefully things will equalize as I hit the sea coast resorts where cheap boarding houses abound.

33.5 Kms. walked today per pedometer: Cumulative kms covered: 451.2
Hours of walking today including rest stops: 7 3/4
Type of accommodation: Hotel
Cost of bed & breakfast: pounds. 57.00.

If interested, see trip photos at Flickr:       "traveller6666"

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A medieval horse watering trough.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried any Youth hostels, you can cook your own food which to me is a big plus.
