Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day # 81 Machynlleth to Aberyswyth.

Pic: Tile map of Aberystwyth.        
            Fortified by a most generous package of snack treats kindly donated by the very pleasant owners at the ‘Furnace’ B & B, my day began in heavy overcast that quickly generated into heavy and prolonged rain as I wound my way southwards, along the densely wooded and winding main road following the banks of the River Dyffi.
        My readers may sense an excessive preoccupation with weather conditions. The reason for this aversion to rain is that the precipitation greatly detracts from the enjoyability of the days walk. Apart from getting soaked,—even the best quality rain gear offers only partial protection, house heating in the UK has now been virtually turned off as mean daily temperatures rise. As a result, there is no-where to dry soggy clothes before next morning, when they must be donned again. Just a word here on footware. My Canadian Tire 69.00 dollar walking boots have been a resounding success. While every part of me frequently gets soaked, my feet have always stayed dry & comfortable. The heels, especially the right boot, are looking quite worn down now. 2000+ kms walked on concrete have not yet totally defeated the carbon rubber compound.
        Just after noon, with spirits at a low point, I treated myself to a very pleasant pub lunch at the unusually named (for Wales) village of Bow Street, about 8 kms north of Aberyswyth. During the past 20-30 years there has been a change-over of posted place names from English to Welsh spelling versions, with apparent acceptance by all that the Welsh version is most appropriate.
       Arrived about 3.00pm in an Aberyswyth bathed in bright, albeit cold, sunshine. A mid-size town Aberyswyth is situated at the estuary of the small River Affon Rheidol. Attractively ranged along the sea front the most prominent feature is the university and its buildings plus the presence in town of a large and diverse student population.

 28.3 kms. walked today per pedometer.                Cumulative kms. covered:2006.2
Hours of walking today including rest stops: 8.1/2
Type of accommodation: Sea Shore B & B
Cost of bed & breakfast: pounds. 27.00

Please go to (traveller6666) to view pics of the walk.

I’m ‘Giving 110%’ to Trillium through my “4 Million Step Walk” because I can. Donate Now:

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