Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Planning walk progress--a map

A walk map with some approximate dates. The 'best laid plans of mice and men' and it is still difficult to be very accurate, weather (rain), sea fogs and strong prevailing winds can all work to slow down forward progress. I have also been known to get lost on occasions when on strange roads! (Just ask my wife!) Dates at various points have been predicated on 23-27 kms per day--about 6-7 hours daily on the road.
Starting 15th. February on the south coast to benefit from the milder Winter and earlier Spring. Moving north as the seasons advance. Will hit Wales and the dreaded tourist congestion during July/August.
The final stage and likely the most physically challenging, will be the 'West Country", with the continual hilly coastal country side. Interesting dimension: someone calculated that the rise and fall of the walk, up hill and down, was like climbing to the top of Mt. Everest  2 1/2 times from sea level. Back to the start-point in Bournemouth, approx. 1st. October.
Click on the map to make larger/readable.
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1 comment:

  1. I can imagine the emotions your feeling at the moment , with my lejog attempt 64 days away I'm already full of nervous energy !
    With only 10 days to go you must be fit to bursting with anticipation ! If I could i'd be starting now ! Unfortunately my walk has its own time and seems to be taking on its own life its definately a good analogy to say its a rollercoaster under its own control!.
    I look forward to following your blog and if our ways should meet i'll be sure to say hello !
    May the road rise up to meet you may the wind allways be at your heels (a half remembered quote from a drunken Irish mp in limeric!)
    Andy and alfie the dog ( the three a's way)
