Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day # 68 Crosby, Lancs. to Chester.

Top ad. One of a series. Very memorable.
 Pic: Election silly season in the UK. Conservative party ad.         

       Breakfasted well courtesy of my Augustine nun hostesses, I left the Park Guest House, Crosby and turned left (south) at the end of the block heading towards Liverpool. Passed through the deserted Saturday morning streets of Bootle and a collection of other gritty, small towns fronting onto the River Mersey. The banks of the river are interspersed with abandoned warehouses and Costco/Toys R Us superstores –an interesting comment on how the texture of the lives of the local habitants have changed from when this was a might sea-port.
          Within two hours I was in central Liverpool seeking the ferry ‘cross the Mersey to be informed that it sadly does not operate at the weekend. Where were you Gerry and the Pacemakers when I needed you? Alternative transport on offer was the 5 minute ride on the electric train under the river to Birkenhead. My wife, who hails from Shanghai, had provided strict instructions to photograph in detail, the famous river front Royal Liver buildings et al, as these majestic Liverpudlian edifice provided the architectural inspiration for the British companies that set-up in business on Shanghai’s famous ‘Bund’ in the 1840’s.
        Using my navigational skills to the extreme, I walked the mean streets of Birkenhead, and westwards across the peninsula known as ‘The Wirral’, towards my days objective of Heswall, on the banks of the River Dee. Heswall, a very affluent town of quiet roads, graceful houses and beautiful gardens was unfortunately Heswall was not welcoming to me, as it was impossible to locate accommodation and thus necessary to action plan ‘B’ ie: execute a tactical retreat via bus to the city of Chester. Chester, an historic Roman fortress city famous for its magnificent black & white gabled buildings had plenty of guest-house availabilities and I was comfortably sheltered by 4.30pm. Tomorrow, I execute a sharp right turn that will take me across the border and into North Wales.  

26.1 kms. walked today per pedometer.                           Cumulative Kms. covered: 1642.2
Hours of walking today including rest stops:  9.00
Type of accommodation: The Ormond Guest house. 
Cost of bed & breakfast: pounds. 25.00 incl. breakfast.

Please go to (traveller6666) to view pics of the walk.
4 million steps in support of the all our young and old who rely on Trillium Health Centre. I’m giving 110% to Trillium, will you? Donate now

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