Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day # 46 Hornsea to Bridlington, Yorks.

The Good, the bad and the ugly, and then the good again! I left my most comfortable Hornsea self-catering apartment over the variety store, at 7.00am sharp. And sharp it was-----a cold crisp, snappy type of morning to make me glad that I was equipped with winter hat, gloves and scarf plus a thermos full of hot coffee. Made good progress in sunny dry conditions on the north-bound B road in light traffic conditions. That’s the good part. Just about 5 kms short of Bridlington: crack, snap, grind. Broken axle.  My trusty buggy, that has accompanied me for 1100kms, finally expired. With a rather awkward tipping motion, I was able to struggle on two wheels into Bridlington, a medium sized tourist town with pleasant and affluent suburbs. Securing accommodation at the Coachman Inn as I entered the central area, was delighted to be given a room, en suite, in the totally re-furbished hotel section. \The bar section two floors below is actually quite shabby. The lady at reception was able to direct me to a second pram emporium, not more than 50 m. down the street, where very quickly and at a knock-down price, I was able to secure a replacement buggy. This one has solid rubber tires which removes the ever-present danger of punctures that I had with buggy #1. Delighted that my problems (apparently) resolved themselves so easily and all within a couple of hours. Yes, it could all have happened to me a couple of days ago, out on the moors in the pouring rain! The God of long distance walkers smiled down on me today! Due to the fact that tomorrow is Good Friday, and shops will be closed till Saturday, I played it on the safe side and gave myself a margin, securing my room for two nights, thus ‘forcing’ myself to enjoy another ‘rest day’ tomorrow and to enjoy the sounds sights and flavours of Bridlington.

4 million steps in support of the all our young and old who rely on Trillium Health Centre. I’m giving 110% to Trillium, will you? Donate now

 24.5 kms. walked today per pedometer. Cumulative Kms. covered: 1102.2

Hours of walking today including rest stops: 5 1/2
Type of accommodation: B & B at a pub.
Cost of bed & breakfast: pounds. 20.00 no breakfast.

Please go to (traveller6666) to view pics of the walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, what a day you had!
    Pleased that you found a new buggy so easily!
    It's amazing that you've got as far as hornsea without a blister! Hope to match that when Alfie and I start our lejog next week, sadly our paths won't cross, the nearest at my best guess is sharing the same latitude near Liverpool when you head south, will be interesting to see how accurate my guesstimate is !
    Keep my fingers crossed that we have seen the last of the snow.
    All the best
    Andy & Alfie the dog
    (the three a's way)
