Coastal road

Coastal road

Walk route...

Walk route...
Anti- clock wise from Bournemouth.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day #40 Conisholme to Cleethorpe, Lincs.

Pic shows an OLD petrol pump on the road side. Prices at that time(c. 1955) were +-  3p a litre (5 cents Cdn)!! 
         After being berated by the kindly B &B owner for not looking after myself, I emerged with a full ration of “Full English’ safely stowed to retrace the 5 miles that I had to back-track last night. Quiet roads as it is a Saturday morning and the tourists have not yet materialized. Once again, the rain gods delivered during the night but clear and sunny in the morning, albeit cool with a semi-stiff wind coming in from the south- west. Over the flat fields to my left, as I head north, I see low hills along the horizon that I believe to be the Pennines, the back-bone of England. My objective today is to reach Cleethorpes, basically the southern and  touristic end of Grimsby, until recently the fishing capital. While the town centre is still traditional British small sea side resort the edges are marked by some modern and quite impressive ‘big box store’ plazas. My information was that there should be plentiful B & B accommodation in Cleethorpes…true, but this weekend is the flower growers’ convention and overnight rooms are at a premium. Did locate a rather bitty room up a side street, but hey! it was cheap---only 15 pounds/night.
       Flags. Have noticed that the Union (Jack) Flag seems to have taken a severe down-turn in popularity in favour of the red cross on white flag of St. George (England). Is this an indication that the population no longer considers Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also part of the ‘union’ family? As a youngster, I hardly remember the cross of St. George on public display, mainly being reserved to fly atop the local Anglican churches.
22.2 kms. walked today per pedometer. Cumulative Kms. covered: 979.0
Hours of walking today including rest stops: 4 1/4
Type of accommodation: Guest house
Cost of bed & breakfast: pounds. 15.00 no breakfast.

Please go to (traveller6666) to view pics of the walk.

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